Wednesday, December 16, 2009
you blame the stations when they play you like a fool
Being "cool" has too many interpretations.
It's really nothing. Except perspective. Like a lot of things.
Why isn't personality enough?
Why isn't it enough in general?
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Next time.. Please tell the manager.
If this were a few years ago, I would have been so embarrassed to have actually spent a Saturday night home alone with my parents watching a movie, and I wouldn't dare tell anyone.
It's funny how cool we used to think we were by not hanging out with our parents because we were "so above that". And if we hung out with our parents instead of our friends that would be so lame..
But by thinking that, we were actually the lame ones.
My so called life is my new-found addiction.
Having a season of a TV show pathetically consumes your life, not allowing you to stop watching disk after disk. It's an easy distraction from doing homework/anything meaningful.
I'm such a hypocrite. Now I understand the whole "it's easier said than done" situation.
Trust me, I know how it feels, and it's the worst feeling in the world. I truly am sorry.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Everything that happens is from now on
So I have this tendency of missing school a lot..
I don't think I've ever really missed a full day, but there are countless amounts of times when I've either
A. Slept in, then come into school late because I was working on homework late the night before.
B. Slept in, then come into school late because I had too much homework so I slept in to miss a test I didn't have time to study for.
C. Not been woken up in the morning because my mom was convinced I didn't get enough sleep so she didn't wake me up in the morning so I could sleep in and go in late.
D. I had a soccer tournament that I didn't get home from until one AM, so I came in late.
Answer for this weekend: D.
This weekend, (besides for discovering that I am majorly of shape ---thanks so much D Coy, you did wonders for us--- and that it actually IS possible for me to experience the feeling of death in the form of exhaustion,) I realized that I always seem to find friendships in the most unlikely places..
This always happens when I go to a tournament.
It's not that I thought I wouldn't like these people.. It's just, if I don't click with someone right away, I automatically assume I'll never get past the "how are you" stage of the friendship.
I think I subconsciously put up a mental block, telling myself that since I'm not that good friends with that person right now, I never could be close to them because we don't have anything in common. I am then always surprised to find that I can easily talk to them about anything, and not feel like it's forced, so I don't know why I keep doing it.
Some people like almost everyone they meet.
This could be because their personality matches everyones'.. But most likely not.
It could be because they truly like all of the other person's qualities.. But that's not necessarily true either.
It's because instead of focusing on the negative qualities about the other person, (even if those are the more obvious ones,) they instead look for anything that's good about them. Or, they think of the reasons why they might act the way they do, and don't judge them for that. They're tolerant of differences and able to find the good in everyone no matter what.
So i guess this could be considered a shout out...