Sunday, December 6, 2009

Next time.. Please tell the manager.

Last night I got home from the Chinese buffet where I managed to get out of paying eighteen dollars for a plate of rice (thanks to erin) and got home to eat my real dinner with my parents.
If this were a few years ago, I would have been so embarrassed to have actually spent a Saturday night home alone with my parents watching a movie, and I wouldn't dare tell anyone.
It's funny how cool we used to think we were by not hanging out with our parents because we were "so above that". And if we hung out with our parents instead of our friends that would be so lame..
But by thinking that, we were actually the lame ones.

My so called life is my new-found addiction.
Having a season of a TV show pathetically consumes your life, not allowing you to stop watching disk after disk. It's an easy distraction from doing homework/anything meaningful.

I'm such a hypocrite. Now I understand the whole "it's easier said than done" situation.

Trust me, I know how it feels, and it's the worst feeling in the world. I truly am sorry.

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