Wednesday, June 24, 2009

the complications you could do without

A couple months ago I decided that I wanted to keep a journal. After my first entry, I promised myself that this would become a daily routine of mine. It was nice to get all of my thoughts out on paper.
Three months have gone by and I haven't even looked at the journal since then. I just have been so busy, and its hard for me to get myself to just sit down and write, as much as I'd love to do so.
I figured since I waste endless hours of my life avoiding homework on facebook, I might as well avoid it more efficiently.
I made this blog about a week ago, but it took me until now to finally bring myself to write in it, (thanks to the encouragement of emily, emily and joey). I think the reason I kept putting it off was because I kept asking myself why I'd have one in the first place. I felt like blogs were places where people let out their thoughts by using a wide vocabulary of words, which is an ability that unfortunately I lack. Something changed my mind though. I still don't really know what it was, but I think I will eventually find out.

My brother got his appendix removed on Sunday. He's been on our couch since he came home from the hospital. I'm pretty sure the only times he got up were to go to the bathroom..
at least, I hope he even did that.
He's eighteen and the drugs he's been on have changed him to have the patience of a four year old.
He's helpless and whiny. When my mom's not home she asks me to take care of him.
My mom even set up a walkie talkie with him in the TV room enabling him to even more easily bug me while I'm studying. It's basically a baby monitor.
I really shouldn't complain though, because he is in a lot of pain, and I do feel bad for him.
They cut through his belly button. It's disgusting. It makes me so glad that I haven't had to have surgery, and hopefully never will.
His friends have been coming in and out of our door to visit him. It's nice to see that he actually has some nice friends that aren't all just jerks who spray paint profanities on parking lots..

My mom's car broke down on her way home from work yesterday.
The funny thing about having your license is that you actually have to have a car in order for it to be any help to you whatsoever..
Not like I'd actually have anywhere to go because finals are consuming my life, but I'd like to think that I could go somewhere if I wanted. I like options.

ohhhh finals. how i do not love thee.
Especially when I study for you for endless hours and cram in information into my head that I guarantee I will not remember after this weekend. So really, what's the point? I feel like there isn't one. Yet I still feel the obligation to not fail you..
With that said, goodbye blog, hello vocab.


    oh topher.. i wish i could see him this sounds hilarious ahaha acting like a 4 year old. mamma nine-y!
    way to practice for othello neen "how i do not love thee" seeee, blogs help you study!

  2. and welcome to the wonderful world of yet another distraction advice :)

    haha i used to do that with journals. i have about five that have two pages filled up, each beginning with "i am going to actually finish this journal"... it never happened

    the walkie talkie sounds like death

  4. ps. i am enjoying the sufjan stevens refernce of the title?

  5. i definitely think i should have gotten a shout out too..
