Tuesday, July 28, 2009

les personnes

I hate how people's personalities constantly change. I feel like I know someone so well one minute, and the next they're doing something I'd never expect them to do. That's when I start to question my judgement of people and if what I thought of them at first is just a cover up or not. I wish people were comfortable and confident enough to just be themselves from the beginning because it would make everything so much easier. I really respect the people that are strong enough to actually do that.
I guess that's how relationships and friendships are, though. You get to know the different sides of people and you learn to love everything about them.
I guess what frustrates me is that people are always trying to impress people. They will go to great lengths to find the best way to make themselves look good,  even if it is done subconsciously.
Maybe I'm being completely contradictory. Maybe I'm not making any sense. Maybe these thoughts have no correspondence whatsoever.
Most likely it's the second and third one.

People who I don't know have some mysteriousness about them that allows me to imagine them to be anyway. 
That's what's great about going someplace new, especially in the city because of the variety and amount of people. I love Boston, because so much is going on that it's never boring. I think what plays a part in it being so much fun is the fact that Princeton is the complete opposite, so it's something new.

Going to New Jersey made me realize that I should cherish the times when I can stay in a million dollar house a block away from a beach, because unless I miraculously win the lottery, or discover that it's my destiny to become a surgeon, it's unfortunately unlikely I'll be able to enjoy such a luxury when I'm older.
Last night there was an infestation of bugs in my room. That's when I realized that the only two things I don't mind killing are mosquitoes and moths. Oh and ants, but there weren't ants in my room last night. So many people are afraid of spiders, so when there is a spider within a foot of them, their fear asserts me to killing them, and they're always surprised when I pick them up and bring them outside. 

The secret life of the American teenager makes me laugh. First off, the title is enough to describe how ridiculous it is of an attempt to make a show. Throwing aside it's terrible excuse for actors, every other word is sex. Because apparently that's all kids in high school do every second of the day. Oh and they all know statistics about it and are comfortable about talking about it with their parents. Believe it or not, getting pregnant goes along with having sex, so of course there are multiple pregnancies in this show. The funny thing about a show like this is that it gets people like me, who are dumb enough to waste their time watching something so pathetic, to actually do so.

1 comment:

  1. well obviously all high school students to is have sex.. don't pretend like you are any different nina
